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What you need to know if this is your first Frederick Art Walk

The Frederick Art Walk is an event that happens at the homes of artists in the Central Frederick Neighbourhood. It’s a community event where high-quality hand-crafted artisan works are sold. We encourage host artists to invite friends, neighbours, and family who are also artists to share their outdoor space. All artisans must be present on the day of the FAW.


Important details:

  • Applications close on April 30, 2024

  • Your house must be in the area bounded by Lancaster St., Victoria St., Indiana St., East Ave., and Krug St.

  • The registration fee for the 2024 Frederick Art Walk is $125/house.

  • All artists must be present on all days of the FAW.

  • The Frederick Art Walk will be advertised as an outdoor, accessible event.


Participation Requirements:

To be eligible to participate, you must agree to the following three duties:

1. Pay the $125 fee.

2. Complete the assigned Art Walk job.

3. Attend the wrap-up meeting.


If you need help with anything, contact the FAW Registrar.

To be part of the FAW, you need to submit a fully-completed application, complete with photos, by April 30, 2024, no exceptions. Your application will be reviewed by the FAW Organization Committee. Artists are assessed on their artwork and submitted photo(s) and must qualify under the FAW Terms and Conditions. If your location is invited to participate, the "homeowner" receives a confirmation email by May 12, 2024.

Your confirmation email explains how to pay the fee of $125. per house, which is due no later than Friday, May 17, 2024.

Note Late application, no photo submissions, or non-payment of fees will eliminate you from participating this year. Refer to the Terms and Conditions for details.


NEW for 2024: FAW Executive will email key takeaways from the Artisan Survey, financial report, and Zoom meeting link, prior to the wrap up meeting. If your house has any questions about that information, or comments/questions not included in the artisan survey, please join us at the Zoom wrap-up meeting on October 29, 2024. Your input is needed and important discussions happen during the meeting.


NEW for 2024: no Passport Prizes as of 2024. There will be digital and printed
Attendee surveys.

Can I be part of the FAW if I can’t be open on Sunday?

  • Yes! You can choose "Open Saturday Only". We will note it on all channels of advertisement.

I don’t want to be outside, but I want to be part of the Art Walk. Can I still take part?

  • We are advertising the Frederick Art walk as an outdoor, accessible event, and people will be expecting that. A lot of our shoppers like having the event outdoors. It's also important for this event to be as accessible as possible. Please keep that in mind as you set up.


My house has space for another artist/I'm an artist looking for a space. Is there a way to connect us?

  • We’ve discontinued the Homeless Artist Registration. But send an email to, and we’ll try to help you out. No guarantees.


Ready to apply?

You’ll need an active Google account (like a gmail address) to open the application. If you don’t have one, you can use one of ours to apply. Contact the FAW Registrar. to get the email address and instructions on how to use it before you start.


To complete the application, you will need the following information for each artist at your location:

  • Each Artists Name and/or Business Name

  • Each Artists social media, web and email address


Three descriptions of their art:

  • a 1-word description, like “woodworking” or “painting”

  • a 6-word short description, like “wood folk art sculptures” or “acrylic and watercolour painting”

  • a 50-word long description that talks a bit about the art and the artist, and what makes it unique.


NEW for 2024: This is important, so we can attach the photos to the correct artist.

Photos MUST be named as: NumberStreet-ArtistFirstNameLastName#.jpg (or .png) where “#” is the photo number from 1 onwards.  Example: the JPEG images for Jane Doe at 32 Krug St. must be named 32Krug-JaneDoe1.jpg,
32Krug-JaneDoe2.jpg, etc. If you register as your business name, use your business name.
Example: 32Krug-ArtByJim1.jpg, 32Krug-ArtByJim2.jpg, etc. 


Using new photos each year helps to keep attendees interested in what you offer. Send us well lit, clear photos so that your work looks great!    


If the individual file size is too big or has an extension other than .jpg or .png, the system won’t let you complete the application. If you’re having trouble, check each photo individually. You may need to go back to the artist and ask them to adjust and resend you the photo(s).  

©2024 Frederick Art Walk

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